Membership privileges extend to the member, his/her immediate residing family, and bona fide guests. A bona fide guest is someone who is personally familiar to the member, and whose presence as a guest is in response to a specific and personal invitation.
a. Members are responsible for making sure that all family members, guests, and tenants are informed of and abide by the Association’s rules and regulations. Any violations of Normanoch Association rules and regulations by the family members, guests and tenants will be the responsibility of the Normanoch Association member on record.
b. If membership privileges are desired for occupants of any dwelling unit, the owner must maintain membership for that dwelling unit.
c. If a member rents a dwelling unit to tenants, the tenants may exercise membership privileges during the rental period (a transfer of privileges of members), provided a rental agreement (as described in 9.c.i) is entered with the Association and all Association rules are followed. The member may not exercise membership privileges during the time the membership privileges are exercised by the tenants (except voting privileges) The member will be responsible for the tenants’ proper exercising of membership privileges and responsibilities.
i. A rental agreement obtained from the Association must be completed and signed by all parties for each rental period, prior to the start of the rental period. After the first rental of the year, a fee will apply for each rental period processed thereafter
ii. Effective January 1, 2023, each new membership shall not transfer membership privileges to tenants in excess of 3 rental periods each year from Memorial Day to Labor Day, for the first 3 years of membership. After being a member for 3 years, the member can rent based on the then current Normanoch Association rules. A “rental period” shall be defined as a rental to the same tenant(s) for contiguous days.
iii. Normanoch Association members shall not transfer privileges of membership to renters in excess of 12 rental periods during each peak season (Memorial Day to Labor Day).
iv. Normanoch Association members cannot use their home as a hotel, apartment house, motel, boarding house, rooming house, or any similar use by whatever name it may be designated. Association members may not use their homes for commercial events.
v. Normanoch Association members cannot rent a room, an apartment or portion of their home or property through online platforms or any other means.
vi. Normanoch Association members cannot exercise membership privileges if they rent their property unless the 4 lease specifically prohibits the tenant from using the membership. Such a lease must be in writing, signed by the member and the tenant. A copy of the lease or a statement affirming the restriction, signed by the member and the tenant, and must be submitted to the Normanoch Association office prior to the start of the rental period.
vii. Normanoch Association members SHALL NOT provide power boats to their tenants. Tenant use of power boats on the lake is strictly prohibited. Non-power boats, such as kayaks, canoes, or rowboat, may be included in the rental, as long as they are properly registered and have valid stickers. Boat registration is limited to the member only, as stated in I.4, Normanoch Boat Registration